Embark on a Journey
with EROHAN Foundation

Our Beginning

ngo working for nutrition program

EROHAN Foundation was established in the year 2023 by a group of like-minded passionate people deeply concerned about the well-being of underprivileged communities. Beginning with grassroots initiatives in a few villages, the organization has since grown steadily, expanding its reach to positively impact lives on a larger scale.

ngo working for nutrition program
health care ngo in MP

Why EROHAN Foundation Was Started

EROHAN, meaning ‘Education Research of Health And Nutrition,’ symbolizes our dedication to work on these 4 vital domains. The foundation was established from a shared vision to address the significant challenges faced by underserved people and communities.

Witnessing the disparities in access to Education, Healthcare, and livelihood opportunities for children and women especially, we felt compelled to take action with Government partnership and like minded private organisations and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives

Our Core Mission

ngo focussing on anemia nutrition

At EROHAN Foundation, our core mission is to uplift India’s underserved  communities by providing them with access to quality Education, Healthcare facilities, and better Nutrition opportunities, supported by data-driven Research and technology.

We believe in empowering individuals within these communities to become agents of change, fostering self-reliance and overall community well-being.

ngo focussing on anemia nutrition

Our Values on which the Foundation is Built


Believing in understanding and sharing the feelings of the communities we serve, guiding our actions with compassion and sensitivity.


Upholding honesty, transparency, and ethical standards in all our endeavors to ensure trust and credibility in our work.


Fostering partnerships and teamwork, recognizing the power of collective efforts to drive meaningful change and innovation.


Empowering individuals and communities to promote self-reliance and enabling them to shape their own futures.


Holding ourselves to high standards of performance and continuously seeking improvement.

health and care foundation

People at EROHAN Foundation

Our team comprises passionate people with diverse expertise and extensive experience, each pivotal in advancing our mission and effecting positive change in the communities we serve. Also, we are supported by a network of passionate volunteers and partners who further amplify our impact.

Our Long-Term Vision

healthcare ngos in india

Our long-term vision is to create inclusive societies where every individual, regardless of their background, has equal opportunities to thrive and succeed in life. We aspire to build resilient communities equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to overcome challenges and create a better future for themselves and future generations.

healthcare ngos in india

Support Our Work

Help transform the lives of millions
 of people in India.
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